a visit to edgar cayce

Isn't it funny how back to school season feels like back to school season, if you're not a student or a teacher?

It's back to school season.

I went on a road trip with my parents this week to Hopkinsville.

We stayed at Pennyrile State Park, which was beautiful and peaceful. I love State Parks and National Parks and this one is particularly sweet. The flowers around the lodge were so well-kept and attracted a lot of large colorful butterflies who followed me around and fluttered in little dances around me.

I do love a butterfly blessing!

We visited Edgar Cayce's grave (this was actually the reason for the trip). I will be writing later about why I went on a Cayce pilgrimage and why he's important to me.

We also visited the Trail of Tears Commemorative Park. Did you know that only three of the people who died during the removal were buried in marked graves? Two of them are buried here - Cherokee Chiefs Fly Smith and Whitepath.

I don't know how to describe what it feels like to be at this site, but I would encourage everyone reading this to find your way there and be in communion.

Downtown, I shopped a bit at Milkweed. If you're ever in Hopkinsville, don't miss it.

I fell in love with it as soon as I walked in the door.

In other news of the week, I experienced an uptick in interest and bookings for Prayer Paintings. For this, I am so grateful.

It's such a thrilling thing to bring these Prayer Paintings through. When I'm painting for myself, I sometimes sketch out ideas or think about composition before I paint, but when I'm creating Prayer Paintings for others, I never do. I let the prayer and the painting guide me. I'm always surprised when the finished image arrives on the canvas. This one, a special birthday painting, sang of wildflowers. My deepest wish for every painting that leaves my easel is that it speak to the recipient of love and grace the movement of the Holy Spirit; that it speak the language of the heart; that it exist as a reminder of who and what we really are - beloved.