an obsession with belief

While I acknowledge the possibility that we are each essentially alone, I have never felt alone. I have always felt accompanied by a spiritual presence, aware of the unseen pressing around me and more than that, I have enjoyed exploring the unseen - the mysteries of spirit.

My natural tendency is to wonder about the meaning of this life, the mysterious, the sacred, the nature of reality, perhaps a little too intensely, and the fact that I can simultaneously know and not know doesn’t bother me.

I believe there was more to reality than what we are taught, and while it’s possible that my imagination has created experiences for me, led me to believe that what I wish to be true is true. It’s also possible that what we know of this world is just one tiny tip of the vastness that actually exists.

I’ve spent a lot of time in my life exploring this sort of thing.

It’s just where my thoughts go.

It’s the terrain I like to walk.

I was recently reminded of a conversation I had with a theology professor who said, basically, we all just believe what we believe - there’s no real reason why - we just believe things and there’s not much we can do about it.

It surprised me, that comment. I feel like my own beliefs shift and change and evolve all the time.

This month’s installment of the book I’m writing on Patreon was about my ghost experiences. It was easy and fun to write.

Next month, I’m writing about something that’s a little more difficult for me. Difficult because it cuts into this territory that can be deeply personal and triggering.

What we believe and why we believe it.

I’m writing this book about my spiritual experience. There’s no way for me to write about that without writing about my beginnings, the spirituality and religion of my upbringing.

Spiritual and religious language and concepts can cause us to bloom open or recoil, but we are rarely neutral in the face of them.

It isn’t easy subject matter, but it’s the subject matter with which I’m obsessed.

So, in November, my patrons will be reading about my childhood churches, experiences I had, things I was told, things I believed and didn’t believe, my early training in telepathy and maybe even a couple of UFOs.

If that sounds of interest to you, you can find out more right here.