all the love in the world

Each night, I sleep.

I let go into the darkness and the darkness carries me.

Every morning I wake, born new.

There is no past, there is no future, there is only this moment.

There is only love.


The path of discernment is the path of love.

Love is the wisdom I seek.

Love is where the answers live as I walk forward, one bare foot in front of the other, the earth cradling me, the trees whispering secrets into my hair, the birds carrying my dreams toward the sky.

It is love and only love.

It is love that lights the way.

And love that soothes the fears.


In the hushed shadows of this new moon, I walk, in a velvet cape, the hood pulled up to cover my head.

I walk with wolves and foxes. The crows.

I walk into the deepest chamber of my heart, for it is there, always there, in the temple at the center, where God resides.

God speaks, not with words, but in the energy of love, the great wing of love, the tidal wave that is love.

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God opens their arms, their hands of light, and reminds me that I am reborn in each moment.

When I am myself, when I live as myself, when I allow all parts of myself to be seen, I am doing the work of my soul. I am doing the work of love. I am doing the work of God.

There is nothing I need to understand.

There is only love.

And that is what I wish for you, that is what I give to you, that is the current we flow in together. All the love in the world. The only real thing. The only true thing.

You in this moment.

You as the beautiful, perfect, beloved creature you are.