energy healing is wholeness

When I was a child, I frequently broke out in hives. No cause was ever determined. Calamine lotion was my friend. As I got older, the condition receded.

About a month or so ago, I woke up with mild hives on my neck and face. They faded in a couple of hours. It must be my night cream, I thought. So I stopped using it.

A couple of weeks later, however, it happened again. Again, it was a super mild case that disappeared quickly.

Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch winding down for the evening. My work day had been a little stressful, but not too stressful. Tracy and I had talked about the pandemic, which was stressful, but not unusual. All of a sudden, I noticed a hive was forming on my jaw and my eyebrows were itchy.

I went upstairs and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror.

My chest, neck, and face were covered in red, painful welts.


I went to bed hoping they would be gone in the morning. They were not.

This morning, I came downstairs, turned on my salt lamp, sat with my journals as I do every single morning of my life. Because this is why I practice.

Why these hives? I asked myself, my guides, the sacred. The answer came in calmly and directly.


Then, I did what I always do when I have a physical condition I don’t like. I looked up the energetic/metaphysical cause of hives.

Probable emotional cause of skin problems (hives, psoriasis, rash) is anxiety and fear. Old, buried guck. I am being threatened.

The corresponding affirmation: I bring peace to every corner of my life.

Then I did what I’ve been doing the past year or so when I have a physical condition I don’t like, I asked Google if hives could be a symptom of perimenopause.


I just filed that away for future reference, then asked my good friend Dr. Google, which chakra we were looking at.

Seventh Chakra. Crown.

So, today, I'll be Door Dashing myself some calamine lotion, spending more time than usual in meditation, listening to healing music, and journaling.

If my work schedule allows, I might go take a walk in the cold.

But I have found that often, simply looking up the underlying energetics of a condition is enough to turn it around.

There’s something about acknowledging the imbalance - yes, I have anxiety. I’m under stress; I’m worried - that begins the process of healing. Which is not curing, but wholeness.

I’m not anti-medicine or anti-science. I navigate western medicine in a way that is right for me. I promise you that when I need to see doctors, I see them.

The reason I am writing this right now is not because I’m seeking advice.

It’s because it’s relevant to the manuscript section I released to my patrons this month about energy healing, and because energy healing is relevant to our collective condition.

I wish we lived in a world where science and intuition were not seemingly at odds. In reality, they’re not at odds, but culturally, we’ve decided they are. I wish we lived in a world where we saw life and one another through a holistic lens instead of segmenting ourselves into pieces and treating symptoms in isolation. I wish we looked at energetics and emotions first before medication.

It’s a tricky thing to talk about at this moment in time, since there is so much pseudo-science and disinformation floating around in the collective and doing real harm.

But I wish we had more of a mainstream understanding about the energy body, the etheric body, the emotional and psychic bodies and how all of these bodies work together to make us what we are. Too many of us see the physical as the only reality when in fact, the physical is the most dense layer, the last stop.

You’re so much more vast than your physical body.

And so much can be addressed first in the energetic field, before it ever manifests in the physical. So much that has manifested in the physical can be balanced in the energetics.

I’m grateful for western medicine, especially when it comes to crisis intervention (that includes vaccines,) but I’m also grateful for alternatives.

Nothing, including weekly shots, ever helped my seasonal allergies until acupuncture.

Nothing ever addressed my muscular discomfort the way yoga addresses it.

And listening to binaural beats and Hz music always helps me with pain relief.

Does energy work work because of belief? Do flower essences and sound frequencies make a difference because we believe they will?


But isn’t that wonderful?

If my mind - not my thoughts. Please don’t be afraid of your thoughts - but if my mind is powerful enough to erupt my face into hives, then it’s powerful enough to balance and ease the inflammation.

I think that’s exciting.

When I meditate, or do energy work, I connect into and remember my true nature. I feel myself as love, as a part of the the source of life, which is love. Energy work brings peace because it is truth and the truth is, we are peace. We are love. We are divine and held by the divine.

It’s all love.

It’s important, too, when we talk about these things, that we don’t see illness as a moral failing. Illness doesn’t mean you did something wrong or attracted the illness or called it to you by being a vibrational match to it.

But sometimes, I think the body - the whole body - speaks to us about imbalance, and when we ignore the message, it gets louder and louder until finally it shows up in ways we can’t ignore.

So I’m sitting here now, listening to crown chakra music and saying thank you to my whole body for speaking to me today in a way I can’t ignore.

I’m reminding myself, energetically, that I can bring peace to every corner of my world.

I can not control the things that are happening, but I can be in control of my response to the things that are happening.

I am stressed, anxious, and worried about myself, my loved ones, and the world. These are intense and illuminating times. I am being stretched and challenged and I am tired from all the stretching. I have unearthed some old buried gunk - old wounding, as they say - that has come up to the surface and demanded it be released.

But I am not powerless.

The tools in my energetic toolkit serve me well because they serve love.

And that, above all, is what I am here to do.
