the love list for august

It’s the last day of August.

In this part of the world, we’ve come to the end of the summer and the slow, hot transition into autumn has begun.

Time had felt like it was going super fast, but it slowed down for me a bit this month and allowed me to catch my breath.

Overall, I would say August was a month of recalibration.

The Love List

  • My kind and beautiful Great Aunt celebrated her 95th birthday this month. She danced at her party. What could be better?

  • We also celebrated our neice’s birthday. She goes back to college in a couple of weeks and we will miss having her here, but we love that she’s out there in the world living her life.

  • The first week of August, our neighborhood became a mushroom town. Mushrooms - especially the big ones - are entirely magical to me.

  • Lightning struck and split the tree in our neighbor’s front yard (while Tracy was standing outside nearby). I brought in a piece of the tree that was hurled onto our front porch and put crystals and stones on it, naturally.

  • There’s a cactus one street over that blooms at night once a year. So magical.

  • Tracy’s brother was in town so we ate some patio meals with his family.

  • I went to the Woodland Art Fair with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time and it was good to see her.

  • Have you ever heard of Goat Yoga? This month, I’ve started a morning practice of Pug Pilates.

  • Speaking of Rocky, he and I had a conversation with an animal communicator. He said some pretty sweet things, including an expressed desire for vanilla ice cream.

  • We’ve been taking him on adventures in the evenings when it’s not too hot. One night, when we were walking at Ashland, I discovered a little fairy-sized fort built from twigs.

  • We recieved so much love from our friends and neighbors honoring Woody and his passing. A neighbor hand built a wooden box for his ashes, Mandy made art about him that truly expresses his energy, and Tracy finished building the raised bed for the collection of perennials our neighbors gave us.

  • I completed a commission and picked up my art from the exhibition at Christ Church.

  • I posted a Creative Living Diary video. I’m feeling pulled, actually, back toward video and my Youtube channel. There have been several times when I’ve answered questions via video and I’ve been thinking, I’d like to bring that back.

  • Did anyone else feel like this new moon in Virgo was intense?

  • A mystery person left zinnias on our front porch. So beautiful. 🌸

You know, I’m not really a summer person, and August is so humid.

I hope the most intense heat and humidity is behind us now. Even though it’s still hot, I can feel the shift in the air. Evenings in the park, there’s a breeze and a few leaves are beginning to fall.

We’re moving into my favorite part of the year - the “bers” as my friend Sarah calls them.

I’m feeling myself slowly come alive again, out of the fatigue and stuckedness that I have been in. I’m moving my body more and making art more often, getting into flow.

I posted along with the August Break prompts on my Instagram this month and it felt good to do that. It helped me to remember that all parts of my life feed into my creative expression and my creative expression feeds all aspects of my life. It was good to explore everyone’s answers to the prompts, discover new people and get a glimpse into their daily lives. It reminded me of the old days of blogging.

And it was a reminder that love and beauty prevail, even in the midst of great turmoil and sadness and uncertainty.

I hope you’re doing well.

Here we go into a whole new month!

Please leave a comment and tell me about something you loved this month…and if you have a question you’d like for me to answer on video, I’m all ears!