Posts tagged identity
bringing light to life

We call the moon full when she is the brightest in the sky. When she is full, she illuminates.

When you are full, you illuminate.

The moon is now full in Aquarius, and since my sun and moon are both in Aquarius, I feel particularly lit up by this lunar phase, particularly illuminated.

According to the astrologers I follow, this full moon is highlighting the energies of late December 2020, meaning something that was originally seeded in late December is rising up or coming forward or blooming into being.

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I used to think the spiritual path - the path of self-help and wisdom teachings and mystical fairs, the path of sitting across the table from a tarot reader or praying with a priest - was the path of self-discovery.

I used to think the quest that burned in the center of my heart was the quest of finding myself.

If I could discover who I was, if someone could see me and tell my purpose to me, then I could thrive.

If I knew the dimensions of my light, then I could shine it.

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