love isn't neutral

Now is the time for radical love and compassion.

Love isn’t neutral.

It begins with you, in the inner chambers of your heart, and reaches out to the rest of the world.

Now is the time for harmony and alignment, for leaving behind your old stories.

It is the time to re-evaluate your thoughts and beliefs -

about your relationships

about your calling

about your worth

about the world

about the divine

Stand beneath the starry sky and search it; turn over rocks to see what’s hiding underneath.

But if your conspiracy theory espouses anti-semitism, transphobia, or misogyny, it is time to let it go.

If your theology diminishes or excludes anyone, it is time to let it go.

If your philosophies are fear-based, let them go, let them go, let them go.

If your messiah is cruel, heartless, and ignorant, he is not the messiah.

A god who sides with you in pettiness and hatred is not a god.

You are a creative energetic being.

Where you point your energy and imagination matters.

Point toward love.

While it might feel better to believe a pandemic is a hoax, now is not the time to gamble with other people’s lives.

Your mask doesn’t cover your soul or your voice.

Your mask shows you care about someone other than yourself.

You can care for yourself and others at the same time.

There is enough.

While it might feel better to believe all politicians are evil, all celebrities reptiles, every system corrupt - you must use discernment, you must feel into each situation, each person, each moment and align with the truth - first on the inside, then on the outside.

The truth is found in love.

Love is not simplistic, saccharine, or sacrificial.

Love is fierce and aimed toward justice.

Now is the time to allow your armor fall away.

Admit mistakes, atone where necessary, keep walking forward into the new world we are creating together.

Science and spirituality are not at odds.

It is only when your honor all ways of knowing without making one superior to the other that you come to understand who and what you really are.

It is time to forget what you have learned about who you are and what is possible.

It is time to love the long forgotten parts of you.

You are a vessel of light; you are God’s way in the world; you are the hope for the future; the channel of healing; the universe, the cosmos, the ocean, the forest deep.

Now is the time to join in union with nature and listen to her wisdom.

Now is the time to remove any cloak that has become too heavy.

Now is the time to expand your heart into faith and your faith into action.

Dream no dream that does not include the greater good.

Put energy into nothing that secures your success by crushing others.

Forgive, but do not fall into neutrality.

Love isn’t neutral.

Love is always on the side of the oppressed, the imprisoned, the impoverished.

Love brings freedom and freedom is justice.

Find the sacred voice in silence, but do not disassociate from your passions.

Allow yourself to take up space. Be big, loud, boisterous, on fire.

Be the most radical lover anyone has ever encountered.

Live this life to the fullest, even though you do not know what is coming, even though you can no longer look to the past as a guide.

Be a blank canvas.

Know nothing but love.

Sing the song that is written in your soul, the song no one else can sing.

What you see when you close your eyes - let that be your gift to the new world.