savoring this month

I am savoring every moment of October.

We had a high of 80 degrees here today, but the temps are going to drop tomorrow. In fact, as I type this, a luscious breeze is blowing the rain clouds in and a few leaves have begun their spiral.

I released my October writing to my Patrons this morning. It was all about ghosts and my personal ghost experiences. I decided to begin there since it’s ghost month thinking I really didn’t have that many personal ghost stories, but I was surprised. I suppose they’re not dramatic, but I do have stories.

Do you?

TCM is showing a classic horror movie every Sunday night this month, beginning this weekend with The Birds. Have I ever told you it would be my dream job to work for TCM in some capacity? In what capacity, I’m not sure, but I think we’d be a good fit for one another.

Perhaps I could host a show called Atmospheres where I showcase films that are eerie or creepy, but not violent. I would have a really cool set and dress in black lace maxi dresses.

Okay, just think about it, TCM and get back to me.

I have almost all of my Halloween decorations up now.

The sun sets at 7:19.

This October I’m remembering to taste every moment.