the january love list

We’ve lived one month of 2022, and this is the Love List!

I love planning, listing, and tracking…

And I believe in the power of noticing beauty and gratitude…

So I’m going to bring back an old practice of mine and compile a list at the end of every month this year of the magic moments, the things that caught my eye, made me think, moved my heart, enhanced my life in some way - the things I loved.

Read, Watched, Listened

Betty White was such a wonderful person and Grimm Life Collective is one of my favorite Youtube channels. This one made me cry. What a beautiful memorial at her star on the Walk of Fame.

My friend Mandy mentioned that she watched Only When I Laugh on New Year’s Eve, so I watched it the first week of January and loved it. In related news, I really enjoyed this interview with Marsha Mason.

I learned some things I did not know here.

And here. (These performances.)

I found this fascinating.

One early morning, I discovered a Joan Crawford movie I’d never seen before and thoroughly enjoyed it.

These are stunning.

I was so unhappy with the Nate storyline that wondered if I would even watch Season 3 of Ted Lasso, but this made me feel better about it.

Thich Nhat Hanh on the Meaning of the Christian Liturgy

This is an interesting read.

In 2013, my friend Anessa was involved in two car accidents, only 53 days apart, that resulted in brain damage and severe post concussion symptoms. She forged her own pathway to recovery and found the peace she needed by moving out to the country where she began documenting her surroundings.

Finding Everyday Magic: A Journey of Hope and Healing through Nature is her story and a collection of her stunning photographs. I gave it to myself for Christmas and have been meditating with it everyday. I’m so proud of her.

You can watch a beautiful interview with her here.

What I Wore

I brought in the new year in this shimmery gown from Bird in the Chimney Vintage. When I say “brought in the new year,” I mean that I went to my favorite part of my yard and recorded energy prayers - not that I wore it to some sort of New Year’s Eve party. For that, I wore pajamas and went to bed. 😹

I don’t know why, but when I wear this and pull my hair up, I feel like Elizabeth Collins Stoddard.

If I had been able to get together with friends for New Year’s Eve, I would have worn this dress from Stash Vintage. As it turns out, it was my go play in the snow dress.

For the Full Wolf Moon, I rocked this batwing beauty from Sideshow Sam’s Vintage Shop with a pair of seeing heart earrings and I danced around in a hot pink disco dress from Bruised Black Vintage.

I decided to spend some money on new skin care and cosmetics this month.

I’ve been loving this shampoo and conditioner from Pacifica and this face wash from Good Molecules.

I also bought some stuff from Thrive Causemetics and my Jones Road review is here.


I completed two commissions this month.

I also dedicated my nightly Procreate meditation sketching practice to the #happyyouin22 challenge on Instagram.


This month I posted…


We got a big Epiphany snowfall.

The day after was bitterly cold but the day after that, I was out in the back yard and the sun was shining on the snow. I looked up and saw a flock of small birds flying overhead. They were brown with bright red bellies and so pretty flying there. I realized there was someone else watching them, a huge red tail hawk sitting in the tree. He turned his head several times to look at me before taking off and flying toward the back. He was stunning.

The next week, we had more snow and then even a little bit more.

The last week of January…more snow.

Overall, January was intensely cold, and I didn’t get out to walk as often as I would have liked, but Tracy and I did start engaging in tiny walks, sometimes multiple tiny walks over the course of the day, and that has felt good.

I did not meet all of my goals for January, but I did meet some, and I encountered some pleasant surprises. Honestly, January 1st seems like eons ago.

We’ve made it to this moment, the edge of the New Moon, the Lunar New Year (Water Tiger!), Imbolc/St Brigid’s Day, and the brand new month of February.

I’ve got my coffee mugs, my notebooks and planners, my 70’s gowns, my canvas and paint, and I’m ready to begin again.

What did you love in January?

I’ll see you next month!