paint your (self) love portrait

Happy Valentine’s Day.

In case you didn’t know, I love this day.

I’ve always claimed Valentine’s Day and all of its accoutrement - the pink, the red, the hearts, the cupids.

I enjoy this holiday to the fullest. I enjoyed it when I was single. I enjoyed it when I was a tiny child. I enjoy it because I make it my own. I don’t have any expections about what other people are going to do or say or be. Even though I have a Valentine…I am my own Valentine.

So t’s Monday, but it’s also LOVE Day.

Well, everyday is Love Day if you want it (to borrow a phrase from John and Yoko,) but I’m a Valentine aficianado and I worked really hard to get this ready to launch today.

Launch what, you may ask?

Paint Your Self-Love Portrait

I offered this several years ago, well…more like six years ago, in a different form as an online course. Over the years, some of the files for that original course were lost.

I decided to re-imagine and re-vamp it and turn it into a multimedia ebook.

And it’s here - ready for you today!

I believe that learning cast a loving light toward yourself, learning to see yourself with the eyes of love, is one of the most important things you can do.

It’s not narcissistic and it’s not selfish.

Self-love is about opening to your sacred nature. It’s about receiving the love that is flowing toward you right now.

This is not a painting techniques course.

In fact, it’s not really “a course” at all. The classroom is your own heart.

If you wanted to, you could read and and work through this entire thing and not make a painting.

Of course, I hope you will make a painting. No prior art-making experience is necessary!

Here’s what you get:

  • A 30 page full color downloadable PDF eBook that includes…

  • Private links to 12 videos

  • Over 40 journal writing prompts

  • and insight into my prayer painting process so you can make it your own.

Is This For You?

I created this e-Book because I believe in the transformative power of allowing self-love and the soul magic of intuitive art-marking.

This is the e-Book for you if…

  • You want to engage creativity

  • You want to paint, but you’re not sure where to begin

  • You’ve been feeling down about yourself

  • You feel alone or unloved

  • You want to open your heart

  • You struggle with low self-esteem

  • You need to indulge in some self-care

  • You’re curious about intuitive art-making

  • You just want to vibe with me in the studio for a while

Through the end of the month, I’m discounting both eBooks, my collection of romantic short stories, Red Velvet; and Paint Your Self-Love Portrait.

So, if you’re interested in moving paint around on canvas, this is the perfect time.

Here are some ways you can be your own Valentine today…

  • Make yourself a warm, rich latte and savor it

  • Curl up under your favorite comforter and re-read a favorite book

  • (Or download a copy of Red Velvet 💋)

  • Light your most expensive candles

  • Take a long, hot salt bath

  • Turn on your favorite playlist and dance with abandon

  • Leave flowers or gifts on your neighbors’ front porch

  • Commit random anonymous acts of kindness

  • Watch a marathon of your favorite movies

  • And download Paint Your Self-Love Portrait

“There is a lovely idea in the Celtic tradition that if you send out goodness from yourself, or if you share that which is happy or good within you, it will all come back to you multiplied ten thousand times. In the kingdom of love there is no competition, there is no possessiveness or control. The more love you give away, the more love you will have.”