The last few days have been rainy here and I loved it.

I love lush, dark mornings. I love the sound of the rain in the trees. I love the little bouts of sun after storm.

I’ve been tending to self-care rituals in the mornings and evenings - lightly tapping my skin, giving myself lymph massage.

I took a long hot salt bath this week and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

We had a gathering this week to celebrate graduations; we shared conversations and stories fed my soul.

Sometimes deep healing is that simple, that organic.

On on of his nightly walks, Rocky discovered a new alleyway. He loves to explore new spaces and he took me along, between walls, around corners. It felt sort of risky, not knowing what we might encounter around each turn. He was so happy when we reached the end of the path and turned around to retrace our steps.

There’s a new fresh produce stand in my neighborhood and I stopped by on Sunday to see what was going on. What was going on was buckets of strawberries.

In addition to our usual birds and squirrels, we have chipmunks and I love them. They eat peanuts like nobody’s business and prance around in the tall grass.

I haven’t really been creating - paintings or reels or art journals - over the past week.

It feels so strange when I dip into this sort of creative down time and really, it doesn’t even feel like a down time. I just haven’t had the space, the time, or the energy to tend to my creative work.

But I also know that this is just a natural ebb and flow, a part of the process, and how things go.

While I feel a bit like I’m waiting for a path to unfurl in front of me, I also know I make the path by walking, and I’m looking for ward to studio time this afternoon.

At this moment, the coffee is delicious, the dogs are sleeping, and the sun is shining through the window.

I hope you have a peaceful weekend.

And I hope that wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, your feeling the love moving through you right now.