Posts tagged nature
on the water

It’s gloomy and wet here today as Ida’s remnants reach us, but I don’t mind gloomy.

I spent fourteen hours in bed yesterday. I somehow injured my back and the pain was so severe it caused me to become nauseated. I’m better this morning, but not 100 percent, so I’m doing a lot of deep breathing.

I’m not entirely surprised my month is ending this way. I have felt so depleted - mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted, and time has sped up! Hasn’t it? Does anyone else feel like it’s going by super fast?

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The last few days have been rainy here and I loved it.

I love lush, dark mornings. I love the sound of the rain in the trees. I love the little bouts of sun after storm.

I’ve been tending to self-care rituals in the mornings and evenings - lightly tapping my skin, giving myself lymph massage.

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