on the water

It’s gloomy and wet here today as Ida’s remnants reach us, but I don’t mind gloomy.

I spent fourteen hours in bed yesterday. I somehow injured my back and the pain was so severe it caused me to become nauseated. I’m better this morning, but not 100 percent, so I’m doing a lot of deep breathing.

I’m not entirely surprised my month is ending this way. I have felt so depleted - mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted, and time has sped up! Hasn’t it? Does anyone else feel like it’s going by super fast?

Yesterday morning, Rocky woke me up at 4:30 because he wanted a couple of sips of water and for me to sit with him while he slept on the couch. I sat in the dark, my eyes are sandy and my heart swollen as I drank my coffee and watched the sky outside my window slowly transition into light.

The thing is, these are difficult times. The Covid numbers are startling. Wildfires are raging. Everything feels precarious.

Fortunately, I’ve had opportunity to ground myself this month by spending time in nature with people I love.

As much as I need to touch trees with my feet on the ground, I am most deeply restored when I am in or on or next to water. I went swimming one evening this month, and I had the opportunity to go kayaking a few days ago. It was so peaceful and so beautiful. (That’s not how I hurt myself.)

I’m pretty sure the light you see around us is angelic.
