a love list for february

We’ve come through an entire February and this is the Love List.

This month started out with an ice storm. We thought for sure we’d lose power, but thankfully we didn’t get quite as much ice as as predicted and our power stayed on. I’m not a fan of ice storms, for obvious reasons, but it sure is beautiful when the sun shines on the trees and the whole world looks like a sparkling crystal and you feel like you’re inside a snow globe.

But before I go on to talk about podcasts I listened to and dresses I wore, I must acknowledge that my heart, my mind, and my prayers are very much with trans youth and their families under attack in this country, and the people of Ukraine who are under attack in theirs, as well as the Russian people who are protesting this war at their own peril.

It’s difficult at times like these to know what to say, but I do belive in the power of prayer. I believe that because we are all connected, when we as individuals envision and intend loving energy to infuse another person or a situation, we make a difference. Sitting in silence makes a difference. Any prayer in any form we offer to one another makes a difference.

Prayer is not something do in lieu of action, but it is real and it does matter.

My prayer is for all who are vulnerable and afraid, for all suffering amid war and violence and fascism, for all who feel forgotten. I pray they are surrounded by the true peace of love, of knowing they are beloved.

Read, Watched, Listened

I’ve come to realize that when it comes to episodic television (do we still call it television?) I don’t have a middle ground. This isn’t true when it comes to movies, but when I check out a series I either know right away that it’s not for me or fall deeply in love it with. This one falls into the deep love category.

This is compelling. And disturbing.

Why Cross-Pollination is a Fertile Ground for Creativity

Remember newspapers? Remember the comic strip Cathy? This is interesting.

Bread & Puppet is founded on the central principle that art should be as basic as bread to life and Peter Schumann still single-handedly bakes traditional sourdough rye bread in a wood fire oven for the thousands of audience members who attend the Theater’s performances worldwide. It takes him several days.

Yoko Ono and the art of survival.

Thank you, Sarah, for sending this my way.

“Contrary to much spiritual culture, I don’t think we’re called to downplay, disregard, or deemphasize the so-called exterior as we pursue a fuller sense of life. I think that is artifice. Instead, attainment of greater selfhood, including in the overt sense, facilitates your ideals, actions, sense of possibility, and the manner in which you relate to others.”

On freaking out.

“Both New Age-y and Prosperity Gospel thinking would have us believe that if we just have enough faith . . (or if we just think positively enough) we will draw only good things to us. But honestly life doesn’t work like that. We know that bad things happen to all people and to think that storms happen because we didn’t think enough positive thoughts or practice the right kind of religion is just spiritual narcissism.”

Ghost sculptures

The Unkrainian Chorus of New York

What I Wore

I bought this pink gown from Sideshow Sam the second I saw it. I knew it was going to be my one of my birthday gowns. My goodness. I love this dress.

I got this handcrafted kantha jacket from Browns Thread Works and have been enjoying it so much.

I’ve been loving my Thrive Causemetics CC Cream. I reviewed it here.


I completed a commission this month and re-worked an old painting as a prayer for Ukraine.

Plus a self-love portrat and an e-book.

And a meditation workbook.


I try different unsweetened nondairy coffee creamers. I’ll find one I like, use it for a while, then try something else. This month I discovered a new-to-me version of Nutpods at the grocery and I am loving it.

Tracy and my mom and I went on our annual birthday thrifting voyage. I didn’t buy a bunch of stuff, but I did see a bunch of stuff.

Tracy has been making Indian and Middle Eastern food for dinner and it’s been amazing. I think he’s going to make some sort of creole dish tomorrow. 😋


Did you ever read the 5 Love Languages? I feel like the benefit in that sort of thing is knowing how to love the people in your life better, so when I read It, I tried to figure out what everyone ele’s love language might be, but I was confused about my own.

Turns out, it’s words of affirmation.

My neice sent me a letter for my birthday that was, honestly, the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me. It was just an amazing gift. And then Tracy, the love of my life, comissioned a cameo for me from Pamela Des Barres and she showed up with in her authenticity and spoke to me with such love. Watching the video felt like a energy healing.

Speaking of healing, I got an accurate and deeply resonate reading from Annette Dion this month.

Today is Day 13 of my new thing which is a 30-minute dance party after my morning meditation. I hold this dance (party of one) in front of the audience of two pugs who stare at me and want me to sit down.

Beginning my day with joyful movement is a life-changer.

In other life changing news, I was able to implement and maintain something this month that I’ve wanted, but been unable, to do for decades of my life. I’m going to bed each night with a clean kitchen and empty sink, and making my bed when I wake up every morning. I do my deep house cleaning on the weekend, then maintain with small tasks and tidying through the week. I have no idea what made the difference and enabled me to start doing this, but it has transformed the way I feel in our home.


This month I wrote about the in-between.

I posted another installment of the Creative Livind Dairies, as well as a Q&A for my Patrons.


I had a late night text conversation with an old friend - I mean she’s not old and niether am I - old friend as in, we haven’t seen each other in a long time. It was a really lovely connection and led me to Alice Contrane.

This month, someone on TikTok left a comment asking me to record an Energy Prayer for her need. It made me so happy. If you want me to create an Energy Prayer with a specific intention, please let me know - and follow me on TikTok to see it.


Yesterday, I had a sweet conversation with a rabbit who lives in our backyard. Tracy and I took a walk that did not require the wearing of coats, and all of the neighborhood cats came out to talk to us about spring. Just now the sun is shining with a different sort of light and the birds are singing.

Thank you, February. Welcome, March.