the reason

No, everything does not happen for a reason.

The painful and traumatic events you’ve gone through were not experiences your soul asked for. 

They were not sent to teach you a lesson. 

You did not attract these events to yourself with your thoughts or because you were a vibrational match to them.

Where do you feel this in your body?

What has harmed you has harmed you, and it was wrong. It was undeserved. It should not have happened.

The person responsible for abusing you is your abuser.

You were not abused because you held a victim mentality.

You were not abused because you drew an abuser to you.

You were not abused because some part of you sought the abuse.

Even if you chose to stay in an abusive relationship, you are not to be blamed. 

Where do you feel this in your body?

You create meaning in your life.

You make creative choices.

Healing choices.

Choices of love and forgiveness and evolution.

Your soul is held in love and forgiveness and evolution.

But saying that everything happens for a reason is dismissive of the very real pain and suffering that exists in this world.

Instead of dismissing your wounds, what would happen if you embraced them, looked at it them head-on.

What would happen if you acknowledged your truama and its impact in your life and allowed yourself to feel everything you feel as a result…without beating yourself up for things over which you had no control?