drum circle peace

Creative Living Diaries

We talk a lot about our ideal living situation and honestly, we didn’t know that the place we were describing actually existed.

But it does exist.

Spending time there was restorative and inspirational.

But now we’re back and facing the same challenges we were facing before.

This is my favorite time of the year, but I can’t help but notice, I’m not as prolific or productive right now as I have been in years past.

I’m channeling all of my creative energy of the moment into my Halloween costume. That and my day work seem to be all I have room for right now.

But creating costumes brings me joy.

So I’m allowing myself to be at peace with where I am right now.

And even though I have a great desire to create - to paint and write - to overhaul my website - to bring dream after dream into fruition…

Right now it’s enough to engage with small pleasure…joy where I can find it.

Right now it’s enough to bring peace into my heart and my body.

Right now, in this moment, it’s enough to simply be.

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