the october love list

Happy Halloween! 🎃

There are many reasons why I love Halloween. For me, it’s nostalgic and comforting.

When I was a child, my great aunt threw these fantastic Halloween parties. My grandmother sewed matching costumes for the two of us and we went together every year. I loved those parties and those costumes and my grandmother’s family.

Throughout my Trick or Treating days, I wore costumes sewn and assembled by my grandmother and mother. My favorite was the pink jumpsuit I wore the year I was Pinky Tuscadero.

Of course, I have always been and remain a costume person.

I can be found spinning around in my back yard wearing vintage maxi dresses and starry crowns throughout the year. And I plan my Halloween costume months in advance. (Listen, I already know what I’m going to be next year.)

This year, I had so much fun making my mushroom hat.

There was a lot to love this month.

On the first day of October, Tracy and I picked up our rental car and packed it for a road trip. Yes. A road trip.

You can read my travel journal here. And here.

I also received a gift in the mail from a friend - it was an autumnal oracle deck - and you know I love that. In fact, there were several delicious packages waiting for me when we returned from our two weeks in Woodstock.

We tried to go to the jack-o-lantern trail and McConnell Springs but it was so crowded there was nowhere to park and cars were just circling around and around. It was disappointing, but on the way through town I saw purple lights wrapped around the trees on Main Street and people in costume and a group of people in front of the Kentucky dressed for Rocky Horror Picture Show - and man, that made my heart happy.

The Love List

  • Woodstock, New York. I love you, New York. You dazzle me.

  • We discovered that Rocky is a great traveler.

  • We had a week of family fire pit dinners.

  • Our street went all out with Halloween decorations.

  • We celebrated Eli’s 16th birthday, and my brother’s birthday.

  • Lindsay carved carved a pumpkin and brought it to us.

  • Our neighborhood participates in the tradition of “Boo-ing” - leaving treats on one another’s porches the week of Halloween. I awoke this morning to discover an incredible little “Boo” package of crystals and a black candle. What a beautiful Halloween morning treat!

Red, Watched & Listened

We watched Nothing Compares when we were in New York. I love and respect Sinead.

We also watched Licorice Pizza while we were in New York and loved it..

We watched the 1979 Werner Herzog Nosferatu. It’s the best “Dracula” movie, in my opinion. It’s sad and haunting and beautiful like a painting.

I love You Are Good and listen to every episode. This was a particularly fascinating discussion, even though I don’t remember every watching this movie, but Tracy says we did watch it.

My friend Sarah is brilliant.

Do you remember this?!?

This was a great episode of American Hysteria.

What a bright, beautiful light he was.

This month’s Creative Living Diaries featured our trip and the Woodstock drum circle.

It’s that time of the year when I re-evaluate, re-deign, re-work everything.

But today, I’m going to make a crockpot vegetable stew and some Irina Rolls (those are grain free rolls made with cottage cheese and oatmeal) and give my mushroom costume one more spin.

Comment and tell me about your costume, and if you’re not dressing up this year, tell me about your favorite costume.