a love list for april

The month of April is over and this is the Love List.


Our eldest niece was in town at the beginning of the month. We sat by fires.

Then, my friend Mandy was in town. Our friend Anessa had a trunk show and reading at the Lexington Art League.

My brother’s band played at the Fishtank. Tracy and I were able to sneak down for the first set while Woody slept.

On Palm Sunday, which was my mother’s birthday, she and I went to hear the Faure Requiem at Christ Church.

Then there was Easter. I entertained fantasies about creating an over the top Easter bonnet, but didn’t get it off the ground. Maybe next year.

So, it was a pretty active month.

We closed it out with a new moon walk in the cemetery.

Watched, Read, Listened

I’ve enjoyed Julia.

I got a hot tip to watch this and it was good viewing.

I’m reading Lissa Rankin’s new book Sacred Medicine.

This is an interesting movie to me, for a variety of reasons.

And this sounds amazing.

Here’s an interesting take.

I need to dine at Boulevard.


I delivered a painting for an exhibition, created two more, and sent out two commissions this month.

I also moved my painting studio to the back porch for the spring.

Last month, I felt stuck in my painting, like I was walking through molasses. This month, I felt like I moved back into the pocket. The trick is to keep painting or writing - creating - no matter what it feels like. Make a decision and take action.

Also, I had been trying for quite a while to paint without Naples Yellow and I finally found some and stocked up and it just makes all the difference.

Tracy had a dream that I went down Niagra Falls. He didn’t know if I jumped or fell and he woke up before he found out if I survived.

Somehow, that dream led me to painting coffee cups - I mean putting coffee cups into a painting. I can’t explain why. I can only say that Tracy kept asking me what I thought the dream meant and every time I thought about it, I thought about water. And cups.

Closing Thoughts

Writers, I’ve used Scrivener for years, but Campfire has caught my eye. Do you use it? What do you think?

Every time the season changes, I can’t figure out what to wear. What did I wear last year at this time? I don’t know, but I feel like I have to re-clothe myself several times during the year.

Currently, I’m looking for a pair of jeans that are comfortable and fit and look good. This has been a lifelong quest of mine. What jeans do you wear?

If you ever get hives, (I realize that’s very specific, and I hope you don’t, but if you do,) I’m finding this works wonders.

I also got a tower fan for better sleeping and I like it alot.

You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok - where I’m currently sharing 5 tips for getting unstuck if you’re feeling creatively blocked.