the march love list

March has come to a close and this is the Love List.

There were certainly things to love this month, not the least of which is the promise of spring.

We have a rabbit, Ms Bun, living in our back yard and she has learned that if she stays very still, Rocky will just run right past her and not even notice her.

I’m a big Ms Bun fan.


We celebrated Woody’s 17th birthday. We love this little man, and he loves us. He also loves cake. This is the one I made for him.

We celebrated Tracy’s birthday this month, which is also our anniversary.

It was 20 years ago that we went out to eat Chinese food with his brother then saw a movie and decided to move our relationship into the more-than-friends category. That restaurant and the cinema are long gone, but we’re still here.

This is the cake I made for him.

My dress is from ModMuse Vintage.

Check out that vintage cake topper I found!

It was also my dad’s birthday this month, and my neice came home from college for spring break.

We had a family dinner on my parents’ back porch that was simply the best time I’ve had in a long time.

Plus, that jacket was fun to wear.

I made some updates to our home environment this month. I got these saffron yellow curtains for the kitchen and this sofa cover.

But then I put myself on a spending freeze, where I still remain.

Except that I was in Home Goods with my mom and snagged a couple of mugs. Buying something with the cash in my pocket isn’t the same thing as ordering things online though, right? And also, they’re really nice mugs.

And also I’m in the market for a pair of sandals, but other than that…spending freeze!

Read, Watched, Listened

We watched The French Dispatch. I loved it and was particularly happy to see Henry Winkler in the mix.

Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies, and I loved this discussion.

I was captivated by The Andy Warhol Diaries and will probably watch it again. This is an interesting reflection.

This 1968 Photo Series Captured the Peak of California’s Counterculture

“Her paintings evoke the possibility of self-actualization not only through metamorphosing moves, but also bold fashion.”

Tracy and I watched one of my favorite movies, the 1976 A Star is Born. Now, I’m the first to admit, this is not exactly a great movie. But it is so great. Do you know what I mean? The aesthetic is perfection and Kris Kristofferson is peak Kris Kristofferson (Hot.) Also, Barbara Striesand wears some stunning clothes, including a desert ensemble that just takes my breath away every time.

Speaking of breathtaking fashion, my favorite Oscar looks this year were worn by Zendaya, Lupita Nyong, Jessica Chastain, Jamie Lee Curtis, Venus Williams, Regina Hall, Rami Malek, and Timothee Chalamet.

What about you?


I finished a painting for an upcoming exhibition and worked on commissions and my art journal this month.

Art-making is going at a slower pace than the pace I like for it to go. I’ve come to understand that I need to take some things off my plate and focus my energy.

I’m exhausted and I don’t like feeling that way.


I wrote this. It’s a controversial take, I know. But it’s something that bugs me, along with other spiritual truisms that float around my world.

What can I say? Sometimes I’m the ointment. Sometimes I’m the fly.

Parting Thoughts

I get my pandemic and vaccine info from a handful of epidemiologists, physicians, and nurses who courageaously and relentlessly share facts about this virus on social media. Not being a particularly science-minded person myself, I’m so grateful for them.

Those are the voices I listen to, and as a result, Tracy and I are still masking in public and avoiding indoor gatherings, including restaurants.

All of that is to say that my mom and my neice and I decided to have coffee together Cup of Commonwealth. The employees there are masked, it wasn’t crowded, the cielings are high, and we were in a room by ourselves.

We weighed all of that and decided we’d chance it for the opportunity to sit in someone else’s space, drink coffee we didn’t make ourselves, and talk about life. It was wonderful and much needed.

I suspect things will be like this for the foreseeable future - making case by case decisions and mitigating risk the best way we can while also not losing our minds.

I keep reminding myself, pandemics end. This one will end. It just hasn’t ended yet.

This is Day Thirty of my 40 Days of Meditation journey. I’m sharing daily meditation videos on TikTok, as well as Energy Prayers and coffee talks. I’d love for you to find me over there.

I also post (almost) daily on Instagram, if that’s your jam.

Let’s take a deep collective breath, say goodbye to March, and get ready for April 2022…because it’s coming, like, tomorrow.

P.S. Happy New Moon in Aries