Posts tagged vintage
why am I buying cocktail dresses in the middle of a pandemic and I don't even drink cocktails?

Around two and a half years ago, I stopped self-medicating and numbing myself with food.

This brought about a balance and clarity I had never before experienced.

I noticed however, that when I stopped using food as a substitute for pleasure and love, I started doing something else.

Every now and then, I went on a shopping spree.

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this time around

I turned another year older yesterday.

If we weren’t in a pandemic right now, I’d have thrown myself a vintage-style birthday party and encouraged you all to dress in 1940’s style.

As it was, we are in a pandemic and my birthday fell on a Monday and much of the country, including where I live, was under threat of a huge snow and ice storm.

I thought about encouraging you to dress vintage and do the party virtually…but it just didn’t feel right under the circumstances.

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