The October Love List

Happy Halloween! 🎃

Tracy just sent me a photo from downstairs, where he now sits, of a ghost in our dining room. Now, you know we live with a ghost, but she isn’t very active and this doesn’t look like her. It looks like something or someone else. Maybe it’s not a ghost, as in a dead person, maybe it’s something else. It’s interesting for sure and interesting timing. It does look a little ominous, but just because something feels strange does not mean it is evil, and not everything is a message. Some sightings are just sightings. Sometimes a presence is just a presence.

Listen, I love the paranormal and if you’ve got a ghost hunting show, I’ll probably watch it. I don’t like the ones where loud aggressive people provoke spirits, and I wish there wasn’t so much of a focus on the good vs. evil thing or the concept that everything that makes you uncomfortable is a demon, but I can and do enjoy a good paranormal show even when I don’t believe in the theology that’s being presented.

Kindred Spirits is one of my favorites. I’m really enjoying Cindy Kaza on the Dead Files, and I’m loving Living for the Dead.

Our neighborhood’s Adult Trick-or-Treat was on our street this year. I made a graveyard cake. Tracy and Rocky and I dressed as garden gnomes and a bee. Rocky had a blast; he felt cute and he mingled without a leash, which was a dream come true for him.

We were gifted a big bag of apples from a local orchard, so I made Tracy some hand pies for Halloween, along with some apple cider donuts.

Links I Loved

Listen to this while floating in salty water.

I’ve been to 7 of these places, and I’d like to visit them all. I ❤️ New York.

I found this softly moving. There was one part that upset me (you’ll know,) but I sure did read a lot of Highlights in my day and I’m glad it still exists. It also seems like a lovely place to work.

Fall Cleanup With Ecology in Mind

I love her so.

Goldie Hawn had an alien encounter.

Did you do the Rocky Horror thing when you were a teenager? I sure did. I loved this.

We watched The Changeling for the first time, it was released in 1980, but it looks and feels like the 70s and it has a fantastic seance scene.

Yesterday, a picture of Matt LeBlanc as Joey, staring at the empty chair next to him where Chandler should be, made me cry.

Every time a celebrity dies, especially now, there are people who get angry about those who express grief, as if there is only a small amount of grief to go around. But of course you grieve when artists die. No, you didn’t know them, but you knew their art. They touched you with the work. That’s what artists do.

It is okay to be sad about whatever is making you sad, the big things, the small things. It is okay to be sad about all of it.

I’m not saying I won’t be posting, because I will be, but I am going to be pulling back a bit from social media in November. I’m making a quick trip to California, and I’m listening to the voices in my dreams:

So that’s it for October 2023.

I’ll see you here in November.
