Posts in spirituality
trust your intuition

There was a meme going around that asked you what you would say to your 18-year-old self using only three words.

I answered it recently by saying, go to California. This was sort of a joke or at least, light-hearted, but I was thinking about that question later and realized what I would actually say to my 18-year-old self if I could only use three words:

Trust your intuition.

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I used to think the spiritual path - the path of self-help and wisdom teachings and mystical fairs, the path of sitting across the table from a tarot reader or praying with a priest - was the path of self-discovery.

I used to think the quest that burned in the center of my heart was the quest of finding myself.

If I could discover who I was, if someone could see me and tell my purpose to me, then I could thrive.

If I knew the dimensions of my light, then I could shine it.

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anxiety and distancing

My neice and I joke that my car has anxiety.

It has a warning light and an alarm that sounds every time I start it, but there’s not actually anything wrong. I mean, I don’t know, there might be something wrong, but I’ve been driving with that warning light and alarm bell for about a year now.

Chronic free-floating anxiety is like that.

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the first conversation

I recently drove past a church on my way to a lacrosse game. The big sign out front said, Worry Less, Pray More.

My first thought was, I’m so grateful I don’t go to a church that has one of those signs. My next thought was, I’m actually okay with that theology. (I’m typically not okay with the theology espoused on this particular sign.)

I suppose if you think of God as a man in the sky who grants wishes, the idea of prayer sounds pretty silly, like surrendering your worries to the tooth fairy.

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